Tuesday, April 11, 2006

~ Antiquity's Gold

~ Variation 1

~ Variation 2

- (click image for a larger view)

"Antiquity's Gold" is now available at Art166.com.

This image is available in a variety of sizes, priced from $35.00 - $150.00 US, in the "Abstraction" gallery.


The Backstory -

Once upon a time, during a week-long frenzy of boundless creativity, I drew up a complete set of plans to build my "dream house." The kind of plans that include everything. Everything, that is, except the multi-million dollar windfall that could finance such an ambitious project.

"Antiquity's Gold" was originally designed to be the mosaic-tiled floor of my heated, indoor pool. (Doesn't every dream house need a heated, indoor pool?)

So, hey, I can't afford the house -- yet. But, no worries, good design lasts forever!

Today's quiz:

You Should Be a Film Writer

You don't just create compelling stories, you see them as clearly as a movie in your mind.
You have a knack for details and dialogue. You can really make a character come to life.
Chances are, you enjoy creating all types of stories. The joy is in the storytelling.
And nothing would please you more than millions of people seeing your story on the big screen!


  1. Anonymous9:00 AM


    That would make one hell of a pool floor.

    Add to it a gold ladder for graceful withdrawal and it's good enough for Howard Hughes!

    That IS beautiful.

  2. Anonymous10:47 AM

    hey, our zoo is FREE! well, mostly anyway. I had more fun organizing my new scrap stash than I will playing with it, you know. and I'm waiting on my frame shop to call- I will send you pics of my new artwork when its up.

  3. Oh my gosh. I'm simply gobsmacked at how beautiful these are!! Yes please smack me in the gob! I'm in awe. I don't even know how it's possible!

    I laugh out loud at you designing your dream house!! How many times have I done the exact same thing!?! I'm almost expecting this kind of similarity now!

    "You craft words well, in creative and unexpected ways.
    And you have a great talent for evoking beautiful imagery...
    Or describing the most intense heartbreak ever.
    You're already naturally a poet, even if you've never written a poem."

    I should be a poet?!
    Don't you know it!!
    Aint that funny?
    See ya Honey!

  4. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Hey Missie Snoo,

    I got Poet as well.

    Now, that does surprise me!

  5. Anonymous2:00 PM

    hey - look who's number 2 on blogmad today!!! woo hoo

  6. Thank you kindly, TC! Gotta love a good "Woohoo!" And you pegged it, the "graceful withdrawal" is key!

  7. Hey, Karen,

    You can't believe how many people I know who live in "mostly free zoo" cities! What's up with that??? I feel so used!

    Anyway . . . I can't buy craft stuff without finishing at least one project, quick!

    Shall we post your photos "en blog?" Just say the word! I can't wait to see them!

  8. Snoo! I didn't mean to smack your gob!

    Get out of awe!
    Get out of debt!!
    Get out of town!!!

    Um, sorry -- got carried away!

    So glad you like them! I've got a BIG (3' wide) print sitting in my portfolio. Can't afford to frame it yet, but it sure is wonderful to look at! Guess I'll save it for my dream house!

    Of course I've designed my house -- don't want to waste any time when the money starts pouring in! Great minds think alike!

    How is it possible? Photoshop, a bunch of filters, and my scary, little mind!

    Of course I knew you were a poet,
    All your words so clearly show it.
    What have I told you 'bout writing a book?
    Go ahead, do it! I claim first look!

  9. Karen,
    Who? Tell us, quick! And another "woo hoo!"

  10. Announcement!

    I've been out, all day, shooting pictures.

    Be afraid; be very afraid!

  11. Anonymous9:26 AM

    of course I'll post my photos of your photos on my blog- with big capital letters above them! I just wish I wasn't going to have to wait another week+ to get them back. I need instant gratification.

  12. Holey Moley W.J. if I had tiles that gorgeous I believe I would want to stare at the floor all day instead of getting in my indoor pool (if I had one that is LOL). Awesome!!!!!!!!

  13. Y'know, Lynette,

    Sitting and staring could be considered mental exercise, so it's sort of the same as swimming. It's the thought that counts!

  14. Your poem is so much better than mine!!!!

  15. Morning, Snoo!

    I'll repeat to you what a high school Creative Wrting teacher said to me. "Using more words doesn't make it better."

    What can I say? I always use more words!

    I'm going to email you a poem I actually won a contest with, a few years back. The, er, esoteric nature of the topic is one I think you might appreciate!
